Over 40 years of experience, we are national leading in the supply of products for Bands, Orchestras and Fanfare. We offer to the whole country a complete range of products serving the musician from the beginning of his studies to his professional career.
Importer and Exclusive Dealer:
- Conn&Selmer, Inc. (EUA) - Vincent Bach, C.G. Conn, Holton, Selmer, Armstrong, Leblanc, King, Yanagisawa, Selmer Paris, Ludwig e Musser;
- Buffet Crampon SAS (FRA) - Antoine Courtois, B&S, Besson, Buffet Crampon, Hans Hoyer, J. Scherzer, Julius Keilwerth, Melton Meinl Weston, Parmenon, Rigoutat, Verne Q. Powel, W. Schreiber and Bergerault.
- Steinway & Sons (USA) - Exclusive dealer for biding process in whole country
In addition we have solid partnerships with manufacturers, importers and distributors throughout Brazil, we are also importers of Pearl River and Kayserburg pianos and holders of the Quasar and Magnum brands (wood wind, brass wind / marching and orchestral percussion).